Düsseldorf, 14.10.2022 – The foundation stone for the new EUREF-Campus Düsseldorf was laid on Friday in the presence of North Rhine-Westphalia’s Minister President Hendrik Wüst and Düsseldorf’s Lord Mayor Dr Stephan Keller. Among the speakers at the ceremony were EUREF CEO and developer Reinhard Müller, Dr Matthias Jacob, Country President of Implenia, Manfred Abrahams, CEO of Stadtwerke Düsseldorf, and Kai Wegner, leader of the CDU parliamentary group in Berlin.
In front of around 250 guests, Reinhard Müller thanked everyone involved on the construction site for their commitment and emphasised the innovative potential of the project: “No gas, no oil, no coal – that is now our claim. From as early as 2024, the brightest minds in companies, start-ups and scientific institutions will be working together on the EUREF-Campus Düsseldorf, researching energy, mobility, environmental protection and climate protection technology, developing ideas for the future and testing their implementation. Today, we are demonstrating that through consistent networking and the use of state-of-the-art technology, the challenges of creating a CO2-neutral future location with a secure supply can only be mastered together as a community: From planning and construction to operation. In this context, we would also like to thank the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia and the economic development agency of the state capital Düsseldorf for their intensive cooperation.”
In front of around 250 guests, Minister President Wüst spoke about the challenges of the energy transition, especially in these times of crisis, and praised the EUREF-Campus: “The EUREF-Campus breathes the pioneering spirit that we need on the way to becoming a climate-neutral industrial state. It is future-oriented projects like this campus that show that we in North Rhine-Westphalia can combine prosperity, good jobs and competitiveness with climate protection. The EUREF-Campus in Düsseldorf brings together a number of important topics from the state government – from climate protection and the energy transition to electromobility and sustainability. Thanks to the networking of clever minds from companies, research, university teaching and start-ups, we can look forward to many innovations. I am particularly pleased that our IN4climate.NRW initiative, the central platform for climate-neutral industry in North Rhine-Westphalia, has found a home on the EUREF-Campus.”
Dr Stephan Keller, Lord Mayor of the state capital Düsseldorf, also emphasised the local significance of the campus, which is currently Düsseldorf’s largest construction site: “The construction of the EUREF-Campus will significantly advance Düsseldorf’s energy transition strategy. As a lively place in a central location, the EUREF-Campus will be another important starting point for climate-friendly urban development.”
In his speech, Dr Matthias Jacob from Implenia referred in particular to the values his company shares with the EUREF-Campus: “Sustainability and working together as partners are among the corporate values that characterise Implenia’s actions. In this respect, we are particularly pleased to be building this flagship project in terms of sustainability and to be part of the EUREF team. Thank you for the trust you have placed in us.”
Stadtwerke board member Manfred Abrahams explained the unique lake water utilisation concept that enables the completely climate-neutral energy supply of the EUREF-Campus Düsseldorf: “As the number one energy supplier in Düsseldorf, we have been shaping the infrastructure for the city of Düsseldorf for more than 150 years in a forward-looking way. And that is why we have been increasingly offering climate-neutral products and services for some time now. Because we are committed to the climate protection goals of the city and state. The core idea behind the energy supply of the EUREF-Campus is the combination of various regenerative and environmentally friendly energy sources. Each of these sources is optimally utilised through intelligent networking so that the city of Düsseldorf’s climate targets for 2035 can be met from the outset.”
Having travelled from Berlin, Kai Wegner, leader of the CDU parliamentary group in the Berlin House of Representatives, added: “The EUREF-Campus Berlin is a real place of the future that attracts around 100,000 national and international visitors every year. EUREF AG has been demonstrating there since 2008 that the energy transition is feasible and affordable. I am proud that we are now bringing this successful project from Berlin to North Rhine-Westphalia and developing it further here with the joint support of politicians and the administration.”
With the EUREF-Campus Düsseldorf, EUREF AG is building another international showcase for the energy and mobility transition with a total of around 105,000 m2 of gross floor area and 719 parking spaces in an underground car park. Sustainability and innovations relating to energy, climate protection technology, environmental protection and mobility are the cornerstones of the new sustainability and innovation campus, which already fulfils the highest energy standards from planning to operation and implements holistic sustainability solutions with an all-round view of climate protection.
Hier arbeiten künftig auf mehr als 80.000 Quadratmetern Start-ups, Firmen, Verbände und wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen Hand in Hand. Gemeinsam mit Mietern wie Schneider Electric GmbH, SPIE Deutschland & Zentraleuropa GmbH sowie die Landesgesellschaft für Energie und Klimaschutz NRW.Energy4Climate wird über die klimafreundliche Errichtung des Campus hinaus, auch ein umfassender nachhaltiger Betrieb des Standorts für die Zukunft sichergestellt. Damit entsteht ein lebendiger Zukunftsort der Energiewende, der dank einer hochtechnisierten Energiezentrale – unter Einbindung des angrenzenden Baggersees – für die thermische Versorgung sowie der Nutzung von erneuerbaren Energien beispielhaft ist.
Der grüne Innovationscampus wird in zwei Bauabschnitten errichtet. Der erste wird bis Mitte 2024 bezugsfertig sein, der zweite bis Mitte 2025. Der benachbarte Mobility Hub ist als Erprobungs- und Gründungsplattform für neue Mobilitätsformen konzipiert und dient zusätzlich als Umsteigeort für Berufspendler und Fluggäste. Ein Highlight wird der geplante Skyport, ein Start- und Landeplatz für Flugtaxis und Lieferdrohnen. Mieter im Mobility Hub werden hier ihre Mobilitätskonzepte und -produkte weiterentwickeln und in Showrooms präsentieren. Über 50 Prozent des EUREF-Campus Düsseldorf sind bereits vermietet. Zum EUREF-Campus-Konzept gehören auch ein Indoor-Garden, Event- und Veranstaltungsflächen etwa für Gäste aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft sowie ein umfangreiches gastronomisches Angebot mit regionaler Küche und Bistros unter Leitung von Spitzengastronomin Cornelia Poletto.