EUREF-Campus Düsseldorf welcomed Start.up! Germany Tour 2020
Uwe Kerkmann, Head of EUREF-Campus Düsseldorf, and Alexander Söchtig, COO at inno2grid, presented the EUREF-Campus Düsseldorf and opportunities for international start-ups to work with Inno2grid at the Start.up! Germany Tour 2020. The purpose of this event was to give young entrepreneurs from all over the world the opportunity to take a closer look at the German start-up scene and maybe even consider Düsseldorf as a location for the international growth of their companies. 125 start-ups from 30 countries participated in this year’s digital event.
Uwe Kerkmann and Alexander Söchtig presented the EUREF-Campus Düsseldorf and gave a virtual tour of the campus to the viewers. Uwe Kerkmann presented the campus building and the objectives for possible tenants and Alexander Söchtig explained in detail, what inno2grid and Schneider Electric have done in Berlin (i.e. charging stations for e-cars) and what they plan to implement in Düsseldorf. Also the image video of the EUREF-Campus was shown.
All in all, it was a very successful day around the topic of the future of mobility. 50 start-ups chose to attend the mobility and logistics part of the conference. We hope to have given them a glimpse into the vibrant and technologically advanced mobility scene in Düsseldorf and NRW and are happy to welcome new start-ups around this topic on campus!
Here you can find a video of the event (our part starts at 2:08:48).